

  • Ali G, I'll be honest. Now's probably not the best time to be releasing your book and accusations about irresponsible GOP government. Y'know when would've been a good time? WHILE YOU STILL RAN SOMETHING IN THE GOVERNMENT. Just like all the ex-Bushies who now throw up their hands (Powell... I'm lookin at you...), he could've done something while still in power. Now he can't. Way to go, schmuck.
  • More on why the war on drugs is idiotic. Guess what? Morphine isn't that expensive, but it's hard to get because of drug-war bullshit. Y'know how this could be fixed? Ending an outrageous offensive against patients in pain.
OK, boys and girls. Time for the video. Everyone, by now, has seen Britney embarrassing herself and this kid freaking out about it. If you want to watch'em go ahead, but I won't directly add to their views. Instead, I offer the best of the responses to Chris Crocker, Seth Green's rendition of "LEAVE CHRIS CROCKER ALONE!"

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