
not much time

OK, a quick review, as I have to study for a couple of exams tomorrow, and then I'm gone for the Monaco Grand Prix.

  • First off, read Andrew Sullivan's reaction to an Obama rally. He describes Obama as a possible Reagan of the left, and I'm inclined to agree, what with all of Obama's cross-over appeal and a demand to the end of scorched-earth politics, along with pragmatism on serious issues. "This is not who we are." No, it's not. Obama could unify the nation and create a true national consensus on our most dire problems. But he has to get to the general first, and beat the best-funded, best-connected, most-established nonincumbent candidate in history. Game on.
  • Warning: this al-Qaeda torture manual is graphic and disturbing. But the fact is, I can't find the outrage I once would've had, because what with our secret prisons and torture outsourcing, I'm sure the United States is committing similar torture, if not on its own then through proxy.
  • Speaking of alarmism, I don't know which to believe, William Langewiesche's new book on nuclear proliferation (mostly culled from two Atlantic articles) or Michael Hirsh's article against it. I enjoy Langeweische's prose, but not being a nuclear weapons expert, I can't say one way or another. I'm more inclined to believe Langewiesche's assertion that nuclear bombs have ceased to be the power of large nations. Our weapons are unusable; only a "small" nation or non-state actor would dare use one today.
  • Ain't no party like a Scranton party. Kevin and Angela from The Office visit Scranton.
Finally, video time. If you don't love MXC, then you don't love xenophobia and schadenfreude. And if you don't love those, then get the hell out of Freedomstan. 25 most painful MXC eliminations. God bless Japan and God bless America for making fun of them.

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