
An update for Glen

OK, I’m back in America and should seriously start updating again now that I have nothing but time on my hands. I’ve decided to write the updates in an open Word document all day and then just copy and paste them into Blogger whenever I feel the posts are long enough. So here goes with today assorted internet stuff.

  • Apparently, it’s a good thing that guys don’t do all that communicating. When chicks do it too much, it gets ‘em down. Grunting and muttering about sports is enough for us, thanks. Quote: “Getting people with issues together doesn't always make things better.” I’m looking at you, LiveJournal…
  • Steve Brodner explains Bush foreign policy in cartoon form. Explanation only slightly less convincing than Bush’s own National Intelligence Estimate. So, we’re supposed to believe that our strong offensive against terrorism is working, even though we’re also told that al-Qaeda is as strong if not stronger than ever?
  • Speaking of Iraq, the Democrats are pulling their all-nighter Senate slumber party to kick-start the Iraq war debate, but I don’t think the GOP is biting. These guys drive me crazy. Like Arlen Specter on the Judiciary committee, these guys moan and groan about how shitty the Bush Administration policy is, then do nothing to change it. Not that the Democrats are any less worthless. Still, complaining that the event is a mere stunt has been soundly rebutted here by Dick Durbin. Watch the whole video if you can. The transcript is unreliable at best.
In honor of both the Clipse and the old-school Transformers movie, here's an amateur music video of Wamp Wamp with clips (pow!) from the movie. It's not particularly well done, but to see the chorus is worth it.

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