
Take out the trash edition

  • First off, the Naples trash crisis is getting pretty fucked up. IHT reports, pics here.
  • Slate notes just why the Supreme Court gender-pay ruling is so ridiculous. Short summary: Suppose your employer was stealing from you for years, but you didn't find out for ten years. If you think you're entitled to something, you're wrong. If you think you should complain within the first 180 days, you're in the majority of the Supreme Court! And if you're a working woman, you can go screw yourself (or allow your employer to keep screwing you)! You've come a long way baby... or not. Sometimes the best option is the Dolly option.
  • This article in NYT makes it sound like just finishing a marathon is better than actually, you know, running in the marathon. It's healthier, less stressful, "everyday Everest," etc. But I'm not sure. I mean, it certainly seems like the distance alone is dangerous if you're not properly trained. And it feels to me that a really slow marathon participant (I'm lookin at you Mike Skinner) could be doing himself more damage if it's just a one-off deal.
  • Someone voices my evil McGonagall theory about Harry Potter. I think it's fairly persuasive... and worrying. I hope it's not true, but no one is above anything in these books any more.
Today's video comes via YourDailyAwesome. Midgets were the first ghost-riders, it turns out.

1 comment:

Erik said...

if you bought the set of Family Feud, then you can cause more fueds than Richard Dawson