Come on. Seriously. Fire him. Have him resign. Impeach him. I don't care.
It's now increasingly clear that this man helped to destroy the rule of law in America and subvert justice into the hands of an opportunistic partisan executive.
The guy makes me nostalgic for when John "Lost to a Dead Guy" Ashcroft was Attorney General. And who ever thought I'd be saying that?
The latest: Gonzales lied under oath, tried to make everything the President does legal simply because he's the President, and had nothing but contempt for the Justice Department before going on to run the Justice Department.
As Dahlia Lithwick puts it ever so lucidly: "The bad guys were winning for a while because they picked the teams, set the rules, sidelined the referees, and turned off all the lights in the stadium. Congress has some work to do. It needs to drill down on what this mystery eavesdropping program was (and which worse mystery eavesdropping program it replaced) and to get to the bottom of the Yoo memos and what else they've authorized. Let's call the Comey testimony the halftime show. With the refs in and the lights finally on, this might just prove to be an interesting game after all."
That is to say, this scandal need not be a sad chapter in American justice, but can instead be a turning point, where the law comes back out of the shadows and into its proper role as guiding light for our country. First things first: Gonzales out. Either the Senate should impeach or he should step down. In any case, why does this joker still have a job? Get his chair at the Hoover Institution ready.
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