
Wheels within wheels

  • Hey, guess what old fogeys? It's not "those durn kids" who have irresponsible behavior. It's THE OLD FOGEYS, or more accurately, middle-aged men. So really, it's just "those durn kids" from 20 to 30 years ago, the tail end of boomerdom, who never stopped their risky behavior.
  • Guess who's running for President? It's my favorite!
  • Speaking of Presidential longshots, take a look at this video from WashPost about former Sen. Mike Gravel. He's never gonna win, but God, it's great to watch him try, isn't it? Everyone thinks Hillary, Obama, Edwards and whoever else are liberal, but they obviously never met this guy. Here's a man who deserves to have his message heard, but the netroots remain quiet about Gravel. Too bad really. So I'll do my part: read his issue profile here.
  • Oh, great. Now I'll never finish Wheel of Time.
Video time! Normally I avoid Reddit's videos, as they tend to suck. But this was too good to pass up because of the music. They put a camera on a trolley, then watched people turn into it. I think I'm going to get a bike helmet for sure now. If people can't see a giant trolley, I'm not too confident in their ability to see me.


Erik said...


Here's a good profile of him:

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure that video is what Wagner had in mind when he composed it.