

Because Anna's here, I'm not going to make a full post, but I figure a lil' one will do. So, no commentary, just links.

  • Jack Balkin refuses the Administration's spin of the FISA bill. Of the anti-authoritarian bloggers, Balkin has been most closely following the tricky legal grounds of the law. His other posts on the subject are definitely worth reading.
  • Are 10% of people really gifted? British teachers say, eh...
  • James Fallows has some perceptive takes on China's largely incompetent attempts at censorship. Here's the umbrella post that has interior links to the others. It helps put an article like this in perspective.
  • People in Jordan and Guam can expect a longer life than Americans. I suspect both our girth and crappy infant health.
  • This kinda thing irritates me to no end. Once they're ex-employees, they criticize to no end, but where are they when this stuff is actually going down? Where's the outrage when they're still on payroll? Colin Powell, I'm looking at you.
  • Could this story be any more ridiculous? He rented a plane to hunt down his stolen boat! Straight thuggin.
  • Speaking of thuggin', please please let this be true. Kanye, do whatever it takes.
  • Spider-man breaking up with Mary Jane? MJ dying? Gimmicky comic book non-event? Yeah.
Video choice today is a classic: the greatest cartoon short of all time. "What's Opera, Doc?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Stephen Hunter: good at writing overly technical thrillers about a perfect male specimen devastating all before him. Really bad at most all other writing, trying entirely too often to be clever.

Also, surprise surprise that he felt like trashing the Bourne Ultimatum, since that's effectively the exact same type of "supermale destroys all" thing that Hunter thinks is his territory.