Make your Hillary face, everyone!
Short entry today:Damn that's scary. SomethingAwful got a hold of this picture. Needless to say, goons are going hog wild. Pretty funny Photoshop Phun.
Some neat photos, particularly the smoke pics.
If you haven't read Slate's series on African oil, you should.
Rundown of the year's American music fests, via Rolling Stone (No Rock The Bells, though... could that lineup be any more ridiculous?).
Man, O'Reilly comes off pretty awful in this video... but I kind of wish Geraldo and Bill O'Reilly will fight each other and destroy each other in a blinding flash of idiocy... but I don't got that kinda luck. I guess all we can do is bask in the retardation of this glorious clip. O'Reilly seems to be taking most of the online heat (because, of course, lefty nerds always want an excuse to hate O'Reilly), but come on, Rivera doesn't exactly make himself that admirable.
Yes, bringing up the illegal immigrant part is silly of O'Reilly, but the sensationalizing of the incident at all depends solely on the guy being an illegal immigrant. Not that Geraldo has any problem with sensation.
After forgetting that the attorneys scandal exists, Time magazine puts out a scathing piece on the "epic collapse" of the Bush Administration. Talk about making up for lost time.
No screaming on the Screamer. Kinda makes me think of this.
In closing, Live Free or DIE HARD. BRUCE WILLIS SAVES A MAC. This trailer is so ridiculous... I don't even know what the fuck. I will probably still watch it despite god-awful reviews. Yippee-ki-yay.
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