
Melt it down to make trailer parks

So, the St. Louis Cardinals are in a bit of a pickle. Not concerning the impending season or anything, but about a silly little thing they did. You know how the United Center has a giant statue of Michael Jordan in front? Well, the Cards commissioned this statue of Mark McGwire right after the 1998 home run chase, but with all the steroids hubbub, they've got a 3/4-sized (3/4-life because an 8 foot steroid-pumped Incredible Hulk might scare the kids) bronze Big Mac statue with nothing to do. So it sits, in the warehouse right next to the Ark of the Covenant and the Elephant Man's bones.

Hilarious quote:

"Weber is responsible for all the sculptures outside the stadium, and also has cast Thomas Jefferson and a few notable hunting dogs."
Actually, that's pretty much the Cards right there. Imagined Jeffersonian past, hick present. All in giant bronze statues.

I wonder if they'll ever put it up. All kidding aside, they should. It's their history. Just like when Sammy retires, I hope they retire his number at Wrigley.

Baseball starts Monday! Allons-y Cubs!

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